Please join in prayers and meditation of love and light. Our planet Earth is needing it now, the energies around the earths atmosphere need to be change to that of love. Right now theyre full of turmoil, pollutants and fear, together we can melt these into purity, love and light energy. Dispel the fear in other, be pillars of strength, inspiration and love to all that come and cross your path. This is your service to your family on planet earth. This is your service to humanity, service to our neighboring planets and galaxies. Service to our intergalactic families awaiting for us to morph into the incredible beings we are walking this planet. They are all watching and waiting. Please bring the best of yourselves forward at this time. The time is now.
Please join in prayers and meditation of love and light. Our planet Earth is needing it now, the energies around the earths atmosphere need to be change to that of love. Right now theyre full of turmoil, pollutants and fear, together we can melt these into purity, love and light energy. Dispel the fear in other, be pillars of strength, inspiration and love to all that come and cross your path. This is your service to your family on planet earth. This is your service to humanity, service to our neighboring planets and galaxies. Service to our intergalactic families awaiting for us to morph into the incredible beings we are walking this planet. They are all watching and waiting. Please bring the best of yourselves forward at this time. The time is now.